Monday, April 21, 2014

Vocabulary Level 3:

  • Rhythm: Rhythm is a regular pattern, it is repeated throughout the pattern. It could also be found in certain movements. 
  • Directional Movement: Also known as DMI, it is made of three different ideas-Average directional index, Plus directional index, and Minus directional index. In short, DMI is really meant to determine whether is some sort of trend.
  • Proportion / Scale: Proportion-Something that can see as relative to the whole, whether as size, numbers, etc. Scale- Scaling is when you enlarge or decrease the size of something, quite a lot of times it would be in order to make something look more proportionate.
  • Balance: There are several ways to describe this. One way is balancing something in order to offset and or to compare the value of something to another. Or it could be equally distributing something to keep things steady. Another way to define balance is "a condition in which different elements are equal or in the correct proportions." (this definition was quoted from Google.)
  • Unity: Being whole, or holding together-coming together.
  • Harmony: "the combination of simultaneously sounded musical notes to produce chords and chord progressions having a pleasing effect." Harmony does not have to be with just music though. Harmony, overall, is supposed to be something along the lines of agreeing. Harmony could also mean the equally agreed upon elements in a picture.
  • Contrast: a striking difference. Such as the contrast between colors used in a painting.
  • Emphasis (Focal Point / Center of interest): The significance or importance in something. A focal point can add emphasis to a photograph by contributing to the light around it. The center can add emphasis into a photograph by being somehow more dramatic and appearing with a sense of value compared to the rest of the picture.

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