Monday, April 21, 2014

Vocabulary level 2:

  • Line: There are four basic definitions for "line." One would be that a line is a narrow mark like _______ that. Or it could be a type of material that is contributing to a specific purpose(such as rope or wire). The third is one that most people are familiar, it is to stand in a narrow lining in equivilent intervales. And the last definition is to mark or cover something with lines.
  • Shape: To form something, such as with bending or moving. Another definition could include the appearence/outline of something.

  • Form / Volume: Form-A physical shape of something-to band together. Volume-Space that something can hold;the amount of soemthing that can be carried.
  • Color: The property that is produced by certain sensations created or reacted to by the eye-this can be created by the reaction to the way light reflects off of something.

  • Value/Tone: Tone-to harmonize with color, Value-The assumed or guessed worth of something, the thought of something or someone having a type of appreciation to them-to think highly of something.
  • Texture: To give a type of rough or smooth sensation to something(the feel of granite, the look of concrete, etc.)
  • Space: Certain dimensons of depth of an object-there is a direct corilation to space and volume, for volume determines the space within something or that something can carry.
  • Perspective: Viewing something and noticing the direct relation of height, width, depth, position and the surrounding environment. Such as drawing a 2D picture and making it look 3D by adding depth to certain areas-you are changing the perspective.

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