Friday, April 11, 2014

Definitions- Vocab lvl.4

  • Displacement Mapping- A map someone would use in order to map out ideas within a document
  • Bump Mapping- A technique used in order to simulate, and or create, bumps and wrinkles onto a 3D graphical design.
  • Rendering- A type of interpertation of what something would look like, sound like, feel like, smell like, etc.
  • Alpha Channel- How pixals, such as on a compterized 3D graphic design, would like if they were to lay on top each other.

  • NURBS vs Polygon- NURBS: A mathmatical shape often used in 3D graphics and designs, it is made to be more flexible and be handled somewhat easy vs. Polygon: A figure, or shape, that has at least sides, points and angles.

  • Tiling- To tile something- a tile is a slab of thin baked clay

  • Skinning- Either the formation of skin, such as skin covering a wound or layering skin unto something virtually-as in a graphic design.

  • Aperture- A type of opening

  • Shutter Speed- Also known as exposure time, it deals with how long a shutter is to stay open or close-it is the speed at which a shutter opens or closes

  • Focal Length- The distance from the lens to the point of focus

  • Dolly- To be moved in a specific direction on a computer

  • Pan- To make something larger, or smaller, in viewing-or moving about an image in several directions

Please Note that I got all my pictures from google

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