Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Pro's and Con's of 3D Printing

The future of 3D printing can look either good or bad. Some positive effects of 3D printing include: creating organs, being able to make food, making useful items, etc. If organs were to be built form 3D printing, then people wouldn’t have to wait exceedingly long periods of time in order to get an organ that is necessary to live. On top of people not having to wait, they would also not go through the process of rejection, because the printed organ would be of their own cells. Making foo d with a 3D printer could also be beneficial. Instead of having serious money problems and not being able to eat for a day or two, you could create food yourself. Also, some people would use 3D printers in order to create helpful items, such as: a heart valve, hearing aid, etc. This way, people wouldn’t have to pay a lot of money to get what they need.
            On the other hand, there could be many bad side effects of 3D printing: Making food, creating weaponry, economic decrease, etc. Although making food could be beneficial, it could also cause unease. The world already has obesity issues, and being able to just make food whenever could increase the obese epidemic. Recently, there have been many shootings, if people could build ANYTHING with 3D printing which means that weapons could be built. Guns are dangerous as it is, and in order to obtain a gun, you need a license, but if you were to build your own gun, then whose going to stop you? If people could print out anything they want, then they could potentially make businesses go out of business. Who needs to buy anything when you could just make it?

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