Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Just Starting Out

Hello! Welcome to my blog and my first post!
To start with:
Why am I taking this class?
I am taking 3D graphics and design because I was really curious and interested in it. I have also been in the process of making a video game for the past few years. My video game is going to be pretty complicated and I felt like I shouldn't be useless. I mean, I know I'm writing it and have an idea of the programming it will need (it's going to take a while), but I wanted to be able to help with the design that I'm looking for.
Next: A little about yourself?
I am a huge gamer, I especially love medieval RPG's (role playing games). I am a writer, and a nerd. Along with my many obsessions of the medieval realm and video games, I am completely in love with Egypt. I am also interested in technology-in a fast growing technological world we're becoming, it's almost hard not be interested in it. 

Why these pictures?
These two pictures represent me a lot. The eye of Ra (the left picture) is a symbol of the Sun God in Egyptian Mythology. He is the God of Gods, the other gods are made from his tears, and people are made form his sweat. The Ankh in the Eye of Ra is a symbol for life.
The picture in the right is that of an elvish female playing her flute. Elves were beautiful and powerful beings in Medieval times, and flutes are beautiful instruments (this is a very biased opinion from a flute player). 
These pictures, I feel, represent me pretty well. Of course there are many other pictures, but I found these ones first.

What I hope to accomplish in 3D Graphics and Design?
I hope to become a better graphic designer. There's no better way to put it besides that. I wish to be able to understand how to do it, and be able to create something great. I hope to be able be a better graphic designer :3

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