Friday, February 28, 2014

Feb. 28th

I got a lot done on my helmet today. I fixed up some curved lines and shaped the helmet more so. I'm still working on extruding the bottom part of the helmet. So far, so good (for now)

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Finished temple!

Tada! My finished temple-it's still not great, but it's pretty good for my first one. 
What I did:
*Fixed the odd shaped roof
*Added a ring on the roof
*There is now four stairs leading up into the temple
*I put that thing on the top of the roof.
* I had also rotated some of the squares on the pillars.
It has improved a lot from my first on!

Monday, February 24, 2014

Hello Again! I'm starting a long project.

My Pinterest Robots!A pretty long project that will take quite some time.

I'm going to try and make a robot. My main setting: "You are an employee at a company that specializes in robots. You are going to make a robot- any that you think of. It could be apart of a video, it could help with medicine or every day living. It just has to be completely original." Gonna be working hard on this.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Starting a helmet

I'm starting work on a helmet! Can't wait until it's done!!!

Extruding Along a path-more or less completed

I somewhat finished my weird octopus/squid/tentacle thing. I added a new material to it, I'm defiantly more proud of this one :)

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Extrude Along Path

I was supposed to put four tentacles on this one, but I was only able to put three successfully. I still think it looks cool though!

My First Finished Project

I understand that this looks horrible, but this was my first project. I know I messed up and it needs work, but here is my temple. Or, my Failed Temple. It wouldn't be a place I'd want my characters going to :3

Grape Juice Glass!

I was working on my Graphics today, and I did get further than my line! Now it's actually starting to look like a "grape juice glass". Can't wait to add more to it :)

What would I build if I could 3D print?

I haven't given this much thought... I might build:

    *Instruments (I play flute, and normally get a new flute every year because I break them)
    *Custom Jewelry (in order to sell and make money)
    *Models of my characters from my stories
    *Car parts
  And I think that's it... I might think of more later though :)

Pro's and Con's of 3D Printing

The future of 3D printing can look either good or bad. Some positive effects of 3D printing include: creating organs, being able to make food, making useful items, etc. If organs were to be built form 3D printing, then people wouldn’t have to wait exceedingly long periods of time in order to get an organ that is necessary to live. On top of people not having to wait, they would also not go through the process of rejection, because the printed organ would be of their own cells. Making foo d with a 3D printer could also be beneficial. Instead of having serious money problems and not being able to eat for a day or two, you could create food yourself. Also, some people would use 3D printers in order to create helpful items, such as: a heart valve, hearing aid, etc. This way, people wouldn’t have to pay a lot of money to get what they need.
            On the other hand, there could be many bad side effects of 3D printing: Making food, creating weaponry, economic decrease, etc. Although making food could be beneficial, it could also cause unease. The world already has obesity issues, and being able to just make food whenever could increase the obese epidemic. Recently, there have been many shootings, if people could build ANYTHING with 3D printing which means that weapons could be built. Guns are dangerous as it is, and in order to obtain a gun, you need a license, but if you were to build your own gun, then whose going to stop you? If people could print out anything they want, then they could potentially make businesses go out of business. Who needs to buy anything when you could just make it?

Monday, February 10, 2014

Some Graphics!!!!!

I know it's not much yet, but you can kinda see where my line is, I'll be posting more on this project later, or soon-ish. It'll be much better then just a line then :)

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Just Starting Out

Hello! Welcome to my blog and my first post!
To start with:
Why am I taking this class?
I am taking 3D graphics and design because I was really curious and interested in it. I have also been in the process of making a video game for the past few years. My video game is going to be pretty complicated and I felt like I shouldn't be useless. I mean, I know I'm writing it and have an idea of the programming it will need (it's going to take a while), but I wanted to be able to help with the design that I'm looking for.
Next: A little about yourself?
I am a huge gamer, I especially love medieval RPG's (role playing games). I am a writer, and a nerd. Along with my many obsessions of the medieval realm and video games, I am completely in love with Egypt. I am also interested in technology-in a fast growing technological world we're becoming, it's almost hard not be interested in it. 

Why these pictures?
These two pictures represent me a lot. The eye of Ra (the left picture) is a symbol of the Sun God in Egyptian Mythology. He is the God of Gods, the other gods are made from his tears, and people are made form his sweat. The Ankh in the Eye of Ra is a symbol for life.
The picture in the right is that of an elvish female playing her flute. Elves were beautiful and powerful beings in Medieval times, and flutes are beautiful instruments (this is a very biased opinion from a flute player). 
These pictures, I feel, represent me pretty well. Of course there are many other pictures, but I found these ones first.

What I hope to accomplish in 3D Graphics and Design?
I hope to become a better graphic designer. There's no better way to put it besides that. I wish to be able to understand how to do it, and be able to create something great. I hope to be able be a better graphic designer :3