Thursday, May 29, 2014

Done for a while?

So, my time has come to an end in my 3D Graphics and Design class. This means that I'm most likely not going to be posting for some time. But, no worries. I've signed up for another one for next year-hopefully I get in :). Let's hope for another great year!
And I dearly regret to inform you that I was unable to successfully finish the light-saber (meaning that I was unsuccessful at rendering it in time). I'm sorry-I guess I just have a lot more to learn.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Working on the lightsaber

I feel stupid. I can't seem to find all the materials needed in order to render and color the light-saber. I will most definitely find a way to do so. I will invariably find the right materials and post it in my blog. This is a promise. 

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Tool Box

On top of working on the light probes, I also finished another section of the light saber!!!!!
Here is the finished toolbox for the light-saber!
It took me forever, but it looks amazing and I'm so excited! I'm almost done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Light Probes

Today, we started talking light probes and how they can enhance your lighting when rendering. Different light probes offer different effects:

This light probe looked to give it quite a glare and a kind of electric look to me.
This one did the same, but it looked to add an almost water-like texture(in my eyes)

This one, obviously, reminds me of fire
This is a different angle of my shape and how the probe effected all the sides of the shape.

Also a different angle, and I moved the probe around.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

I'm almost done!!!!

Ah! I'm so excited! I'm almost done! Look! I'm assuming that it will only take me about another hour or so finish(not including the whole rendering process)! I can't wait!
I  can't wait to start putting some colors and textures and seeing what it looks like after it's all rendered and lighted and stuff! :)

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

My nubs

Starting work on my Light-saber again. It took me forever, but I had finally figured out exactly how to add the nubs onto the light-saber! I guess I'm feeling kinda slow today.

Friday, May 9, 2014

3 point lighting-.gif

Well, I tried. From watching the gif I created, I noticed just how much I really need to work on lighting and more on how to do it better-like without the lighting hitting all the ground!
But, here are my three lights along with a final render and it looks. I gotta say, I feel proud of this and look forward to continuing to improve my lighting skills (along with my 3D graphics skills). :)

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

My Three Lights!

Key Light
Fill Light

Rim Light
Final Render

Been Working Hard! I tried to recreate all three lights, and here they are. I think I did a decent job!

Monday, May 5, 2014

Re-doing my render

Upon realizing that I seemed to have messed up on some things, I've decided that I'm going to re-do it. As you may have noticed, I changed my shape along with my angles. I still have a few things to do in order for it to look any good at all. I will be posting more pictures and renders later, but for now, here's what I'm working on:

Thursday, May 1, 2014

My Lightsaber (thus far)

I realize that I still need a lot more to do, but I did get far. I only need a few more things, and then I'm off to try and render it to make it look awesome! Here it is, my lightsaber thus far:
 Please note that you can ignore the blueprint in the background. I still need the nubs, activation plate, power cell, the actual light-part of the "saber", and a few other things. :)