Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Video Game Design?????

Today, we were given an assignment to come up with a simple video game design - such as Flappy Bird, Angry Birds, Fruit Ninja, etc.
My mind, sadly, does not work in simplicity, so I tried to make it as simple as I could, but it's still going to be a little complex.
I have teamed up with a friend of mine in order to come up with an amazing idea and an awesome design. We have made, so far, a basic story line, and we are working on the twists and trying to improve it while still keeping it somewhat simple.  
I will, hopefully, be giving more detail on it later.

Friday, March 21, 2014


Also Beveling- they look better this time around to be honest.


So I had tried to bevel these... And I guess I could've done better, but it's not horrible and at least I tried.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Robot Concept Character

I have successfully finished my mind-map. Sadly, it's not nearly as good as it was... But it is better then what it was last time! If you'd like to go through it and read it, it is here . 
And, here is the picture of it, if you are interested: 
I may end up adding slightly more to it later and if I do I'll update the picture and web address.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Robot Concept Mind-Map- To Be Continued

So, Lucky Me. I was doing a mind map for my Robot project, and the first one filled up, so I started a second one ... The browser had then decided to crash and delete both of them... So I will have to redo both of them and post them on here later... I'm sorry 
Well... If you want to see what I now have, here

It's not nearly as big as it was before it crashed... But it is close and it's something. I'm sorry for not having more...

Monday, March 10, 2014

Deformers: Bend, Flare, Sine, Squash, Twist, and Wave



 This would be what all the deformers look like together.
I, personally, feel as though it looks like a drill from some corners and angles.
I chose to make it red because it reminds me something chaotic and crazy.
This is my favorite of all the deformers definitely! I'm very proud of it!
Close Front

Below- Bottom



Deformers: Twist, Wave, Bend



I combined the twist, wave, and bend deformer.
I'm sorry that it doesn't neccassarily looks like something compared to my other ones.
I like how it bends from different directions and how it kind of reminds me of an octopus almost!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Deformers: Wave

 Doing the wave one was my favorite. I didn't want to stop, but I had to post one of the shapes that i made that I had loved! I think it's really cool!

Deformers: Twist

Top view-sorry that you can barely see it!
 The twist deformer was fun. Being able to twist and object over and over again in different forms is a fun way to pass time. I was able to make a kind of object that almost reminds me of a person running.
Back View

Front View, which reminds me of legs moving.

Deformers: Squash

This time the deformer was "Squash." It did exactly what the name suggests, and if it were combined with something then it would be cooler. There's not too much to do when it's as simple as squishing something. But, it was somewhat interesting nonoftheless. 

Side view

View from the front

Deformers: Sine

Side view
This deformer is called "sine." It was definitely interesting to work with this one. I ended up making a sound-wave type thing!
Front View

Deformers: Flare


 Here is the flare deformer. Again, I realize that the shape isn't the most creative and isn't the most complicated, but it works.


Deformers: Bending

Bending from the front-side view
 Today, we were working on deformers. The first deformer that I chose to do was bending.
<<<<<I know it's not the most creative shape ever, but I kinda like it.
Bending from the side

Bending from the front